The Rescue Elves

The Rescue Elves... Or "Relves" for Short

The Rescue Elves Jet Plane Hanger - Time for action

Santa Claus has a highly skilled team of elves, known affectionately as the Rescue Elves who are specially trained to handle any emergency that may arise at the North Pole or during Santa’s global gift-giving journey. This elite squad of elves  is proficient in various rescue operations involving Santa, his sleigh, all the reindeer, and children’s toys if something should ever go wrong.

But Who Are The Rescue Elves?


Role: Team Leader

Appearance: Sparkle is a vibrant and energetic rescue elf with sparkling blue eyes and hair as golden as a sunrise. She wears a bright red outfit with silver accents that shimmer as she moves, embodying her name. Her elf hat is adorned with a small star that glows in the dark.

Personality: Sparkle is the fearless leader of the Relves. She is confident, resourceful, and always optimistic. Sparkle has a natural talent for leadership and problem-solving, which makes her the perfect captain for the team. She is compassionate and always puts the welfare of her team and the mission first.

Special Skills: Sparkle has a magical star pendant that grants her the ability to create light in the darkest places and find the best path forward, no matter how tricky the situation. She also has a knack for strategic planning and keeping the team motivated.

Fun Fact: Sparkle loves stargazing and often organizes team nights out under the stars to boost morale and bond with her fellow elves.

The Rescue Elves - Jack


Role: Adventurous 

Appearance: Jack is the epitome of an adventurous spirit with bright, curious eyes and a cheeky grin. He has sandy orange hair and wears a rugged green and brown outfit suitable for any terrain. Jack carries a multi-functional tool belt filled with gadgets and survival gear.

Personality: Jack is the adventurous rescue elve of the group. He is brave, slightly clumsy, and always eager to dive into the next challenge. Jack’s boundless energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and he never fails to lift the team’s spirits, even when things get tough.

Special Skills: Despite his clumsiness, Jack has an uncanny ability to find his way out of any tricky situation. His survival skills and intuition are top-notch, and he can always find hidden paths or resources.

Fun Fact: Jack loves to tell tall tales of his adventures, some of which are true, while others are a bit exaggerated for effect. His storytelling keeps the team entertained during their downtime.

The Rescue Elves - Holly


Role: Creative Artist

Appearance: Holly has bright green eyes and long wavy red hair that she ties up with a holly leaf headband. She wears a green tunic decorated with holly patterns and carries a small satchel filled with art supplies. Her shoes jingle softly with tiny bells as she walks.

Personality: Holly is the creative soul of the group. She is imaginative, kind-hearted, and always sees the beauty in everything. Holly’s creativity is matched by her empathy, and she often uses her artistic talents to cheer up the team or solve problems in unique ways.

Special Skills: Holly can bring her drawings to life for a short period, which is incredibly handy in tricky situations. Her ability to visualize and sketch plans helps the team navigate complicated rescues.

Fun Fact: Holly loves to paint murals in their headquarters and often incorporates suggestions from her teammates, making their base a colorful and collaborative space.

The Rescue Elves - Charlie


Role: Timekeeper

Appearance: Charlie has sparkling hazel eyes and tousled brown hair that always seems to fall perfectly into place. He wears a silver-blue uniform that matches his cool and composed demeanor. On his wrist, he sports a magical watch that helps him with his special abilities.

Personality: Charlie is the calm and collected timekeeper of the Relves. He is meticulous, patient, and has a keen sense of timing. Charlie is known for his dry wit and calm presence, which helps keep the team grounded during stressful missions.

Special Skills: Charlie can manipulate time in small bursts, allowing the team to gain extra moments when they need it most. His ability to slow down or speed up time is a closely guarded secret, known only to the Relves.

Fun Fact: Charlie enjoys reading about history and often shares interesting time-related facts with the team, keeping them both informed and entertained.

After Months Of Training Adventures...

The Relves are ready! If something were to happen to Santa, especially on Christmas Eve, the Relves will save Santa, his sleigh, all the reindeer, and children’s toys. These little heroes stay fit and happy by practicing rescue adventures in very strange places.

But How Do The Relves Train?...

We’re lucky to be able to share their training adventures in the following fully colored books (and ebooks for those with special gadgets), so you can read along with their fantastic training adventures.

The Rescue Elves - Plastic Pollution Adventure

Plastic Pollution Rescue

Learn about the dangers of plastic waste and the sad state of the world’s oceans as the Relves explore the effects of humans on our gentle, beautiful world.

Book front cover - The Rescue Elves - Amazon Rain Forest Adventure

Amazon Rain Forest Rescue

There are more than trees in the Amazon rain forest. When one rescue adventure goes wrong, learn why it's wrong to chop down all our trees.

Book front cover - The Rescue Elves - The Climate Change Adventure

Climate Change Rescue

If it keeps getting hotter, all our lakes will turn into puddles and the fish will have nowhere to swim.

Let's take a Look Inside...

What will find inside both the ebook and paperback:

The complete story – from start to finish. Over 30 glorious images to help the young ones follow along. Each paperback is 8.5 x 11.0 inches – which is nearly as big as a sheet of A4 paper.

Amazon Rain Forest Rescue

Perfect for families and educators around the world. "A beautifully written and illustrated book tells a story about the global deforestation crisis" Written using a Monkey's eye view. With suggested solutions to

Plastic Pollution Rescue

A beautifully written and illustrated book tells a story about the global plastic pollution crisis. Especially how it affects innocent baby animals. With suggested solutions to address this urgent problem. (Promotes conversation - get your kids involved)

Climate Change Rescue

A beautifully written and illustrated book tells a story about Climate Change crisis. Especially how it could affect innocent fish that live in lakes. With suggested solutions to address this urgent problem. (Promotes conversation - get your kids involved)

What Our Readers Are Saying:

Wonderful kids book that combines environmental safety education - specifically about plastic pollution, and a fun story with colorful pics for the little ones!! Great lesson and my daughter loved the Relves, or Santa's Rescue Elves!!
Charlotte H
The rescue elves or Relves for short, are saving the day again. This is a wonderful story to teach young children about being good stewards of the earth and taking care of what we have.
Richie F
A short and quick story about the damage plastics can cause in our oceans and to our aquatic animals. While I am not a tree-hugger, I do like trees, plants, and animals and think we are very responsible to take care of the earth we live in and the ocean our animals live in. This story tells our children the need to change this trend in a pleasant non confrontational way. I enjoyed the story and I know my students will as well.
Dr. Patricia E
Every child should have it and read it, because i have seen, how children just drop what they don't want any more. Even teenager still do it. We experience that in our nearby park
Leo D

Don't Hesitate, Share In Their Adventures... Today!

Looking for children’s books that will teach them about Climate Change, Plastic Pollution and the stripping of the Amazon Rain Forest along with and its impact on the world? The Rescue Elves Adventure series is great for children who are interested in the environment and want to learn more about these critical issues. The adventures of the Rescue Elves are recommended for all young environmentalists, or any young readers just looking for a good story! Plus, the colorful illustrations and easy-to-read text make learning about these important topics  fun for kids of all ages. 

Order your copies today!